Did you know…

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4 Responses to Did you know…

  1. Bloggymeriden says:

    wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow
    that was full of facts quite randim it was really good though well done claud 😉

  2. bloggychar says:

    Excelllent blog Claud, I never knew most of those really interesting facts; that kitten looks really cute, I wish I could cuddle it all day. My birthday doesn’t feel so special now I know I have to share it with 9 million other people, it’s not MY birthday- also my birthday is in August so maby I share it with over 9 millon peole. Hey, I wouldnt want to get on the wrong side of a grumpy tiger, my ear drums might birst! O-U-C-H!

    Charlootte 🙂 !

  3. Bloggyrebecca says:

    Hi Claudia
    That was a brilliant blog, I learnt soo many facts I cant belive that monkeys is the 3rd most comman password and your name 1 is the most comman, also the fully grown elephant fact is really cool and I didnt know that the sentance the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog used every letter of are alphabet. And how amazing that I ( beacause my birthday is in August) could share my birthday with about 9 million other people! Also I wouldnt want to be a zoo keeper trying to feed a roaring and grumpy tiger.
    Rebecca s

  4. Georges mum says:

    I do like an interesting fact and you have found so many! Did YOU know that to keep from drifting apart from each other sea otters hold paws while they sleep? (so cute!) Also apples are 25 percent air that’s why they float! George has a cool Ripleys Believe or Not book you can borrow if you like, full of very weird and wonderful facts, its also well worth visiting a Ripleys museum if you get the chance there’s loads of brill stuff you can learn about!

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