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5 Responses to sigwulf

  1. sara follett Jude's mum says:

    jude says, he really enjoyed listening to Sigwulf. He says the bit about vikings using moss to wipe their bottoms was really funny!!! He said the bit that surprised him was that Freya’s name meant Goddess.

  2. Iamsam says:

    I really enjoyed it sig wolf gave me loads of information I loved IT!!! From sam

  3. Kirsty says:

    I learnt so much from sigwulf. We learnt that they still have lots of fun even though they have to fight all the time also we learnt lots of gruesome stuff like how they wipe their bottoms with moss and how they clean out their ears but I still enjoyed it. BRILL MR G!

  4. Lucy says:

    I really enjoyed that mr G we learnt so much! There was lots of things that we had never really thought about. Like how they keep their bodies clean. IT WAS FAB!

  5. bloggycurtis says:

    cool very good

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