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9 Responses to Welcome

  1. Admin says:

    Brilliant, George! I can’t wait to read your blog and find out more AND you have Mum blogging, too! The way you have split your post into you and Mum is really clever.
    Here’s a question you may want to think about: How do you, Mum and Dad handle it when the tae kwon do gets hard? How do cope with learning so many patterns?

    Mr G

    • Georges Mum says:

      Good question Mr G, the tae kwon do patterns get quite complex. George is fortunate to have people who are willing to give him some very beneficial one to one coaching. George has had help from his instructors son who is also a black belt as well as from his friend Anya who has just achieved her yellow belt so helps George learn the Chon-Ji. Even Tia (Y6) has found time to help and encourage him. Plus there is nothing like a good U-Tube video to show what it is supposed to look like, I find the wording in the student handbook a bit confusing!

  2. Laura Pearce says:

    Wow, this is great! What a busy sports person you are! I’m tired just reading about it all 🙂 Looking forward to reading the next installment!

  3. Tom says:

    Cool Blog George – did you get to see Tae Kwon-do at the Olympics?

  4. Sarah's Dad says:

    Great blog. I was wondering what special equipment you need for Tae Kwon-do? I know that when I swim it really helps my fitness levels to improve so I would think that your swimming would really help with your Tae Kwon-do.

  5. Granny Helen says:

    Well done George, swimming has always been the sport that our family does best at, glad you are keeping up the tradition and I look forward to reading all about your progress.

  6. nicky davey - Monday Trinity Beaver Leader says:

    well done george, it good to see that you have some sports out of school will also look to see it they can go towards any badges at beavers, keep up the good work.

  7. Admin says:

    Great news from your Beaver Leader George! Another reason why blogging is working; it is great evidence of you as a “whole person” . I am delighted to see this on here, so thanks to Nicky for commenting!

    Mr G

  8. Jill White says:

    George – this blog is such a good idea – well done. Maybe we will see you at the 2024 Olympics!!
    By the way, did you know that Bill Clinton (ex-president of the United States of America) has practiced Tae Kwon-do.

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