first 2015-16 post

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3 Responses to first 2015-16 post

  1. BloggyLauren says:

    Hello how are you doing, I’m doing ok in my bigger school my confidence has grown as well! Please send my hello to Mrs Chedzoy and Mrs Scaden . I hopefully will come back and see you soon!

  2. taylord says:

    Hi Mr.G I have been checking the blog every day to check out the cool new posts I really miss Thurlbear and all of the lovely staff but am really enjoying secondary. I GOT TOP SET PE!!!!!!! And got 19/20 in my maths test. The homework isn’t as bad as you think but is still a bit of a wake up call, Hope all the year 6’s are getting on okay. Will be commenting on all of the posts!

  3. kirsty says:

    I’m in your class again! This is going to be a rollercoaster ride. I am a small bit worried about everything in my life but I will just try and live life!!!

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