day off school

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6 Responses to day off school

  1. Bloggyclaud says:

    WOW Tom that’s great,
    I didn’t know maths could be that fun either; I hate to say it, but Mums can be right!
    It would be great if you could tell me more about these “interlocking tetrahedra’s” and “geometry” they look great!
    I must say, they look very complicated though; were they?

    Claudia 🙂

  2. Bloggytom says:

    Thank you Claudia, it’s not that complicated once you get into it, I’ll show you some time.

  3. Bloggyarchie says:

    Woah Tom! How long did it take to make them? You must of been pretty proud after you completed the “interlocking tetrahedra”! What did you need make one? I think you would definitely need A LOT of patience!

  4. Bloggyclaud says:

    To Tom,
    I would really appreciate you showing me how to make them!

    Claudia 🙂

  5. Ethanh says:

    Wow Tom I would appreciate it if you would teach me how to make them! It is just great!

  6. Monica says:

    That is really cool!

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