philosophy new!

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5 Responses to philosophy new!

  1. Jayden says:

    At first I wasn’t sure what a white lie was so I asked my mum; she said its when you lie, but you have to have a really good reason for lying; normally its so that you don’t want to hurt someelses feelings.
    Like Fred asked his friend, ” Do you like my new top?”
    Sam replied, ” Yes I do like your new top.”
    But achtully Sam didn’t like Fred’s new top, but he said he did because; he didn’t want to hurt his feelings or make him sad.
    I think it’s ok to sometimes tell white lies when you feel you don’t want to upset someone; but the outher lies you should never tell, because they can become bigger and bigger but you will always get caught in the end; also people won’t trust you. So you shouldn’t lie because it is wrong, don’t do it.

  2. Admin says:

    Well done, Jayden.
    Another reason, I think, for telling if you are the truth, is that if you are telling lies to other people, how do you keep up with what you have said to everyone? People will remember what YOU told THEM, but YOU may not remember WHAT you said to WHO!! Mr G

  3. Bloggybecca says:

    I think when you lie your only hurting yourself as you know the truth, if anyone else doesn’t know the truth, your not hurting them but your hurting yourself.


  4. George, Harry and mum says:

    What is the truth? We should not deceive, not even ourselves. Georges mum
    I think it is better to always try to be honest but sometimes a lie is kinder. George
    I think a it will hurt peoples feelings if you lie to them. Harry

  5. Admin says:

    I agree with George’s mum and Becky – those are very interesting points of view. Definitely, the thought of carrying lies around with us feels like it can’t be right for our hearts, Beck….

    What do you think our new question should be? Mr G

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