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7 Responses to chernobyl

  1. Adam's mum says:

    Well done Adam – you’ve done some good research.

  2. Admin says:

    Fascinating- but sad – information, Adam! What made you choose this topic?

    I think you deserve a GOLDEN TICKET for your original choice!

    Mr G

    • bloggyadam says:

      Well I was watching top gear thinking of a history subject to choose and then they went into chernobyl and I thought that would be a good history subject!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    wow adam look how mouch efort you have put into this post


  4. bloggyadam says:

    Here’s another fact a man was driving to work at a nucular power station and he went through the radiation scanner and him and his freinds could’nt get in because the radiation had spread from chernobyl and the Americans thought the soviet union had sent a nucular missile because they picked it up from the satalite.

  5. bloggyadam says:

    from bloggyadam

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