From Nate:
Hi George I really like your blog. I also do tae-kwon-do, I am a green belt. Can you tell me what dan-gun means…..?
Your tae kwon do numbers are fabulous, so well done!
Hi Nate, Thanks for reading my blog, I’m glad you like it. Dan-gun is the Yellow belt pattern and there are 21 moves. It is named after the Holy Dan Gun, founder of Korea in 2333BC.
From Nate:
Hi George I really like your blog. I also do tae-kwon-do, I am a green belt. Can you tell me what dan-gun means…..?
Your tae kwon do numbers are fabulous, so well done!
Hi Nate, Thanks for reading my blog, I’m glad you like it. Dan-gun is the Yellow belt pattern and there are 21 moves. It is named after the Holy Dan Gun, founder of Korea in 2333BC.
I am learning a lot about Tae Kwon-do by reading your blog and now know how to count to ten in Korean!
Wow George! Wish I could do that!! X